Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
ISO/IEC 17025 標準的發展歷程
ISO/IEC 17025 最初被叫做ISO 指南25(ISO Guide 25: Guidelines for assessing the technical competence of testing laboratories.),於1978 年由國際實驗室認證聯盟(ILAC)編寫後推薦給ISO,並被ISO 接受,隨之被命名為《實驗室技術能力評估指南》,所以ISO 17025 可以說是對技術能力的評估。
導言: 在前一篇,介紹了擊劍訓練的重要性以及打造優秀運動員的關鍵。本篇將深入探討擊劍運動的高級技巧,這些技巧將使運動員更加熟練且獨特,能在比賽中脫穎而出。無論你是新手還是有一定經驗的運動員,這些高級技巧都將提升你的擊劍水平。